Concurso "Diseña tus feroces."

Competition "Design your own Feroz shoes."

This summer, we decided once again to let your kids' imaginations run wild 🪁 and the results were incredible. We'd like to thank all the families who took part.

A big hug from the Zapato Feroz team💕!

For this challenge, we asked your kids to✏️ draw, 🎨colour and 🦄decorate a template of our Feroz shoe, with the aim of turning the idea that we loved the most into reality💘.

We received nearly 200 entries and we really enjoyed looking at them all. The way kids transmit naturalness, freshness, ease and sensitivity never ceases to amaze us 😻.

And although it was very difficult to pick just one, we finally chose Zoe's idea, whose superpower "STOP" we also loved.

selected contest draw your fierce

Zoe's shoes are about to become a reality 🪄👟🌈. As soon as our Feroz factory finishes them, we will send them to the artist. We can't wait to see Zoe's reaction when she sees her drawing turned into shoes!

To give you some idea, these are the shoes from last year's winning artist, Ariadna.

Last year's winner

We can't wait to see your ideas in the next edition!🍀

Learning to take care of toenails.
"Rock" Our song