
Gateo en bebés
primeros pasos

Crawling in babies: everything you need to know to accompany this stage

Crawling in babies is one of the most exciting milestones in child development, as it...
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Niña en sus primeros pasos

¿Cuáles son los mejores zapatos para comenzar a andar?

Si estás leyendo esto, probablemente tu pequeño está a punto de dar sus primeros pasos...
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Niña jugando
primeros pasos

When do babies take their first steps?

The moment a baby takes his or her first steps is one of the most...
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imagen de los pies de 3 personas con calzado barefoot
calzado infantil

What is barefoot footwear and what are its benefits?

Barefoot footwear, or minimalist footwear, has gained popularity in recent years as a healthy and...
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Que beneficios tiene andar descalzo en los niños
desarrollo del pie

What are the benefits of walking barefoot in children?

Walking barefoot is much more than just a pleasant sensation under your feet . For...
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Cuando ponerle zapatos a un bebé - zapato feroz
calzado ideal para bebés

When to start putting shoes on a baby?

Choosing the right time to start putting shoes on your baby is essential to ensure...
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El buzon de los sueños feroces - zapato feroz
Navidad Feroz

The mailbox of fierce dreams

Once upon a time, there were three very magical Wise Men🧙🏻‍♀️ , who embarked on...
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¡Descubre la Nueva Línea de Freekers! 🥳
Navidad Feroz

Discover the New Freekers Line! 🥳

It's finally here! 🥳 Our new collection of eco-friendly Freekers footwear is now a reality,...
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Calendario de adviento FEROZ
Navidad Feroz

FEROZ advent calendar

This year more than ever we want to add a little magic ✨to these special...
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Concurso Diseña tus feroces
Concurso FEroz

"Design your fierce 2024" contest.

One more year we want to take advantage of the fact that the little ones...
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Los zapatos también respiran. Coolmax®
calzado infantil

Shoes breathe too. Coolmax®

Today we are going to reveal to you the hidden secret⚗️ within the Coolmax® fabric,...
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Historias de una línea llamada "Ulises".
healthy life

Stories from a line called "Ulysses."

Today we tell you one of those stories that moves us 🥲 , and moves...
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