Crawling in babies is one of the most exciting milestones in child development, as it not only marks the beginning of their independent mobility, but is essential for their physical, cognitive and emotional growth. Whether your little one is about to start or is already exploring the world on all fours, congratulations! 🎉 A very, very busy, but exciting period in your life together begins.
Why is crawling key to child development?
Crawling is much more than just a step before walking: it is a crucial stage that lays the foundation for your baby's overall development 👶. When a little one crawls, he or she not only strengthens his or her muscles and improves his or her coordination, but also stimulates his or her brain, promoting skills such as concentration, problem-solving, and spatial perception .
Plus, crawling is one of the first ways babies independently explore their surroundings. This helps them gain self-confidence and develop their curiosity. It's like the world is opening up before their eyes! 👀
At what age do babies usually start crawling?
Most babies start crawling between 6 and 10 months , although some may start a little earlier or later. Every little one has their own pace and that's completely normal. 🌈
Factors such as your baby's personality, weight, muscle strength, and even the amount of time he or she spends on his or her tummy can influence when he or she starts crawling. The important thing is not to compare your baby to others and to respect his or her individual process.

Pre-crawling stages: preparing the way
From birth, babies go through several stages and milestones of development that prepare their bodies for the great achievement of starting to move around on their own. Some of the most important ones are:
- Holding up their head : Around 3 months, most babies begin to lift their heads when on their tummy and are able to hold them up on their own when upright.
- Rolling over : Between 4 and 6 months, many babies learn to roll over on a flat surface. They are usually able to roll over from their back to their stomach first, and after a few days, from their stomach to their back.
- Sitting : By 6-8 months, most babies can sit up without support.

These skills strengthen the neck, back and arm muscles essential for crawling. It's like a natural workout! 💪🏻
Some signs that your baby is ready to crawl
Do you think the time has come, but you don't know if your baby is ready to start crawling yet? Take note of these signs; when you see them, you'll know that the crawling period is very close...
- He balances on his hands and knees.
- Shows interest in objects that are out of reach and tries to reach them.
- Crawls backwards or in circles.
- Shows interest in moving forward.
If you notice these signs, get ready! Your baby is about to embark on a new adventure. 🐾
How does crawling benefit a baby's overall development?
Crawling isn't just cute, it's super beneficial too! Crawling gives babies strength and coordination, strengthens their arm, leg and back muscles , and ultimately helps your little one get ready to start walking.
But it's not just good for your body, it's also good for your mind: crawling has incredible benefits for cognitive development , as it helps the baby plan routes and solve obstacles, stimulating their brain, while also improving special perception, as it helps to understand and strengthen concepts such as distance and depth.
Last but not least, moving around on their own gives babies a sense of independence and autonomy that is essential for their development and growth.
How to encourage your baby to crawl: practical tips
Do you notice that your baby is about to start crawling but is not quite ready to launch himself? Do you want to help him discover the world on all fours? Put these tips into practice to accompany him and stimulate him in a respectful way , you will notice the difference!

The first thing you should do is increase the amount of time your baby spends in tummy time , that is, face down. This will help strengthen their muscles 💪🏻. Be careful! It is best to increase the number of short periods of time on their tummy instead of leaving them in the same position for a long time, which can be uncomfortable for them, especially if they are not yet able to roll over easily.
You probably know what your little one's favorite toys are! Take advantage of this interest and show them to him, before placing them slightly out of reach, so that he has to make a small effort to reach them. If you notice that he gets too frustrated because he can't reach them, bring the toy closer to him before starting the game again. Remember: if he's having fun, these sessions will be more enjoyable and productive. 🎪
If your baby is already on all fours but still isn't moving forward, you can try placing your hands behind his feet so that he feels a point of support that encourages him to push forward. And, when he starts to move forward, create a super fun circuit in the room , with cushions, toys and blankets that stimulate him in a fun and challenging way. 🤩 You'll have a blast together!
What can I do if my baby doesn't crawl?
First and foremost, don't worry - some babies skip the crawling stage and go straight to walking 👣, which isn't necessarily a cause for concern.

However, if you notice other signs that you don't like, such as your baby showing no interest in moving, having difficulty supporting his weight, or having difficulty making other movements typical of his age, such as sitting up or rolling over, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician or child development specialist. 🩺
Crawling Patterns: Do All Babies Crawl the Same?
Not at all! As you probably already know, every baby is unique and their development is not linear at all. In fact, whenever we talk about developmental milestones we do so in a generic way and, although we all know what crawling means, there are little ones who prefer to move around in a more original way.
- Traditional crawling 🐱: No doubt about it, traditional crawling involves moving around using your hands and knees.
- Bear crawl 🐻: It is very common among babies, especially when they are about to start walking, to crawl with their legs stretched out and their bottom up.
- Side crawling 🦀: It is also not uncommon for babies to choose to move laterally, moving sideways like a crab.
- Body on the ground 🦎: Before traditional crawling, some babies move like soldiers doing maneuvers, completely lying down and using their arms to propel themselves.
- Sitting ❗: the baby sits on the floor and crawls on his/her buttocks, using his/her arms to propel himself/herself.
- Rolling crawling ⚽: sometimes, the little one chooses to move around by rolling like a ball.
These patterns are completely normal, so your baby may follow one or more, or even evolve from one to another, but if you have any concerns, do not hesitate to consult a professional.
How to create a safe space for crawling
A fundamental part of supporting and encouraging crawling involves providing your little one with a safe space where he can move freely and safely. If until now your baby has remained completely safe in your arms, in the crib or in the hammock, now the time has come when he will want to move and explore everything on his own, so make sure you take certain precautions before the time comes for crawling.

The first step should be to protect the corners of furniture and electrical outlets 🔌: the first because at first your baby won't have very good control over distances and his own movements and it's more than likely that he'll bump into them more than once; the second because those little holes are irresistible for your baby's little fingers...
Next, check the space and remove all small objects that could pose a choking risk , as your little one will put everything they find in their mouth 👄. As an indication, anything that passes through the tube of a toilet paper roll is likely to cause a potentially fatal choking hazard.
Put barriers on doors and stairs to avoid accidents. Babies who are starting to crawl are not aware of their own limitations and will try to go up and down the stairs, open all the doors, get into the cupboards…

Finally, try to keep the floor clean and free of obstacles so that your little one can move around freely. Do you want a trick to know if the space is adapted to his needs? Get on all fours and observe the world from that height : you will discover things that you had probably overlooked.
Crawling in babies is a magical stage that not only allows them to explore the world, but also to develop essential skills for their future . As parents, our role is to accompany them with patience, love and a safe environment. Enjoy every moment, because they grow up very fast! 💖
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it normal for my baby to crawl backwards?
Yes! Many babies start crawling backwards before they master moving forwards and this is absolutely normal.
What happens if my baby skips the crawling stage?
Some babies go straight to walking. As long as their motor development is adequate, there is nothing to worry about.
What shoes should I put on my baby during the crawling stage?
Until your baby starts walking, there is no need for him to wear any kind of shoes, and in fact, it is beneficial for his development to keep him barefoot as much as possible. If this stage occurs during the winter and you want to protect his feet, you can put some soft, warm socks on him, like these ones.

Once your child starts walking, it is best to choose respectful footwear, capable of accompanying him on all his adventures without hindering his development, such as the baby shoes you will find at Zapato Feroz.