Guía de tallas Zapato Feroz SS24

📏 Size Guide Zapato Feroz

We continue to use a very simple template to measure feet size: a simple rectangle, which you can draw on a piece of paper if you do not have a printer. We recommend using this template to choose the correct size. 📊✅

We know that buying a shoe online and getting the size right is complicated. Even when it is for you, you know your size, because you have bought many shoes in your life and  your feet haven't changed for years. 🤷‍♀️

But this becomes much more complicated when you have to find the right shoe for your baby, as you may have many doubts... but we are here to try to solve them. 🙋

Thanks to the new shoe last of our FEROZ footwear, the transition from one size to the next will be easier and more progressive. Your little one will be able to use their shoes until the end of the size, so there will be less of a difference when moving on to the next one. 👟

Babies' feet grow quickly and they should wear shoes that do not squeeze their feet or reduce mobility. 🦶💚

Measuring your little one's feet may require Ninja tactics.

The most important thing is to get the size right so that your little one's foot has enough space to grow in a healthy way without interfering with their movement.

Calculating the correct size can sometimes require ninja tactics, since it is very unlikely that your baby will collaborate the first time in this mission.

Be patient, persevere and stay calm. If it doesn't happen today... it will tomorrow.
Communicate with your baby and tell them what you are going to do so that they understand, prepare for it and “collaborate”.

After a few seasons, we know how complicated it is to measure a baby's foot... so this season we recommend that you use our FEROZ size template, printed or drawn (it's a simple rectangle).

How to use the zapato FEROZ size template?

  • Download and print the size template corresponding to the shoe you want. Check with a ruler that it is printed true to scale.
    If you don't have a printer, don't worry because you can draw it yourself - it's just a rectangle.
    The number on the left of the template refers to the vertical size of the rectangle, margins included.< /li> 
  • Fold the sheet along the dotted line, place it next to a vertical surface: wall, cardboard box or similar.
    Place your child's bare foot (stand them up with the full weight of their body) on a hard floor on top of the printed template, making sure the heel is touching the vertical surface.
  • Look at the length of the foot from above to see exactly how far it reaches. You can make a mark on the paper if you wish.
    Then observe the foot from a lateral angle to check that the foot is inside the rectangle area where it is touching the vertical surface.
  • Check that the length of the foot has the recommended margin.
  • Repeat this process with both feet, as usually one foot is longer than the other. You should choose  the larger measurement of the two.
  • At this point, you can see what your baby's zapato FEROZ size is.

Recommended margin:

Template download:

Feroces - Baby (S - XL)

Aldaia, Alcoy, Benisa, Biar, Canet, Cheste, Chelva, Eliana, Ibi, Irta, Jávea, Líria, Moraira, Onil, Paterna, Serra, Tabarca, Turia, Valencia, Villena.

Baby template

Irta, Liria, Paterna, Tabarca

Baby plus template

Calpe, Denia

SanRoc Feroz template

Rocker - Children (24 - 35)

Aldaia, Eliana, Moraira, Paterna, Júcar, Alcoy, Chelva Líria, Serra, Villena, Benisa, Canet, Irta, Jávea, Tabarca, Biar, Onil, Ibi

Children's Template

Cheste, Turia, Valencia

Children's template

Models (Sanroc):
Calpe, Denia, Saler, Oliva, Gandía

Sanroc sandal

AMUNT - soccer boot

Amunt template

Freekers - adult ( 36 - 46)

Icono guia de tallas Zapato Feroz Icono guia de tallas Zapato Feroz

Biar, Ibi, Onil

Adult template
Icono guia de tallas Zapato Feroz Icono guia de tallas Zapato Feroz

Aitana, Jérica, Olba, Onda, Paterna, Sagunto, Teulada Albaida, Alcoy, Chelva, Júcar, Serra, Viver

Adult shoes
Icono guia de tallas Zapato Feroz Icono guia de tallas Zapato Feroz

Cheste, Eliana, Faura, Turia

Adult shoes
Icono guia de tallas Zapato Feroz Icono guia de tallas Zapato Feroz

Gandia, Meliana, Oliva

Adult sandal

Zapato Feroz measurement chart

If you need to find out the measurements of our shoes, here is the Zapato Feroz measurement chart.

We are going to explain the columns of our measurement chart.

  • The first column indicates the size of the model.
  • The second column indicates the length of the interior part of the shoe (insole measurements: the shoe usually has between 1-2 mm more interior space). The third column indicates the recommended measurement for your little one's foot when you decide to purchase the shoes.
    Ideally, there should be a space of 1 cm between the end of the foot and the end of the shoe, so that the toes are free and have room to grow and live happily in our shoes.
    Sometimes it won't be exactly 1 cm, so we provide you with a margin of between 0.8 cm and 1.2 cm.⚠️ If there is more than 1.2 cm, the shoes may interfere with your little one's steps, especially if he/she is still a baby and has not yet reached their normal gait.
  • The fourth column shows you until when your child will be able to  wear their shoes and when it is time to buy a larger size.

You should change their shoes when there is 0.4 cm of space between the end of the foot and the end of the shoe, since the foot expands when walking and needs that space to be able to move correctly with each little step.

👉 What happens if my little one's foot measures, for example, 12.5 cm, which is more than the ideal foot length when buying a size M but not big enough for an L?

The lifespan of their shoes will depend on how quickly your little one grows. As they are close to the next size we recommend that you wait until their foot grows a bit more and take full advantage of the useful life of the shoe.

Feroz Chart 👶 (baby)

FEROZ Plus+ Size Cart👶 (extra wide)

Rockers Chart🧒 (child)

Chart for adult Sandals 🧔👩

Chart for adult shoes 🧔👩

Width and instep

What about the width and instep of my baby's feet?

It is important to check if the width of your little one's foot is suitable for the width of the shoes.
As we mentioned above, we recommend using the FEROZ shoe size template to see if the width of your little one's foot fits our shoes.
If you decide to measure your little one's foot, when you measure the length also mark the width.

Please bear in mind that our measurement chart is used exactly how it appears in the following image.

Como tomar la medida del pie

To measure your child's instep, use a measuring tape and measure the area that you can see in the image. If you don't have a measuring tape, use a piece of thread/cord and then transfer it to a ruler or metre rule.
This measurement can give you a general idea of ​​whether your little one has a regular, narrow or chubby instep... in relation to our shoes.

Each FEROZ model has an adjustable opening and fastening characteristics. There are models that have greater insteps than others. It will depend on the mobility of the upper (the instep part of the shoe).

The following chart shows the measurements of the instep of the lasts (pieces of plastic that simulate the foot) of our shoes. These are not maximum values ​​but a “perfect” size.

Instep and Width Chart for Feroz Sizes

Width Chart and instep for Rocker Sizes

Width Chart and instep for Rocker Plus Sizes

⚠️ Believe it or not, the world of shoe sizes is a mystery. Each footwear brand has sizes that can vary greatly, so we believe thatit is not good practice to base our sizes on those of another brand.

Baby shoe sizes by month

How easy it would be to rely solely on age when buying your baby's shoes, right? Unfortunately, we already know that's not the case, as each baby has their own growth rate 😍, which we must respect to ensure their little feet have the space they need inside the shoes to develop properly and freely.

However, you can take into account (always imprecisely and only as a guide to the correct size) how babies' sizes change as they grow older:

  • From 0 to 3 months : You already know that our recommendation at this age is for babies to remain barefoot as much as possible and, only if it's cold, put on very soft socks or booties to protect their feet. These will almost always be size 16-17.
  • From 4 to 6 months : We continue to recommend only socks and booties, as they will now grow to a size 17-18.
  • From 7 to 9 months : Crawling and the first attempts at standing usually occur during this period. Your little one will likely need a size 18-19, provided they have enough room in the toe box. Zapato Feroz's pre-walker models are perfect for this stage.
  • 10 to 12 months : When they begin to take their first steps, they typically wear sizes 19-20. Use this guide to make sure the shoe can provide your little one with the stability and protection they need, without restricting natural movement.
  • 13-18 months : While exploring their surroundings, your baby's feet may have grown to a size 20-21.
  • 19 to 24 months : By the end of their second year, most children are already wearing a size 21-22.

How often does a baby's foot grow?

Children's foot growth occurs at a surprisingly rapid pace during the first few years of life. This development is neither linear nor 100% predictable , as each child develops at their own pace. However, there are general patterns that can serve as a guide for parents who want to ensure their children's footwear properly adapts to this ever-changing stage.

During the first year of life , babies' feet experience their greatest growth rate. During this period, it's common for them to need a new size approximately every 2-3 months . Feet can grow a total of 1.5 to 2 centimeters during these first 12 months, which is equivalent to approximately 3-4 children's shoe sizes. This rapid growth explains why many parents are surprised to find that the shoes they bought just a few weeks ago are already too tight.

In the second year , the growth rate remains rapid, although slightly slower. Babies typically need to change sizes approximately every 3-4 months . During this period, their feet can grow an additional 1-1.5 centimeters, equivalent to about 2-3 sizes.

Between ages 2 and 3, growth stabilizes a bit more, requiring new sizes every 4-5 months. By preschool, from ages 3 to 5, feet grow at a rate of approximately 1 centimeter per year , meaning they will generally need a new size every 6 months.

It's important to note that there are factors that can influence this growth rate, such as genetics, nutrition, and even the seasons. Some studies suggest that during spring and summer, children's feet tend to grow more rapidly than in fall and winter.

To ensure you always choose the correct size, it's recommended to measure your baby's feet every 6-8 weeks for the first two years , and then every 2-3 months until the age of 5. This simple routine will help you detect when it's the right time to upgrade, ensuring that the shoes don't hinder your little one's developing feet.