Walking barefoot is much more than just a pleasant sensation under your feet . For children, it can be a crucial part of their physical and mental development 🥰. At Zapato Feroz, we defend the natural benefits of walking barefoot and we want to share with you why it is so positive for children. Will you join us?
Development of the feet
Barefoot, the feet are not restricted 👣, allowing the toes to spread and the foot to adapt to different surfaces , while developing its functionality and resistance.
Formation of the plantar arch
The plantar arch, the bridge of the foot, is formed more efficiently when children walk barefoot, as this exercise forces the muscles of the foot to work harder to support the weight of the body , helping to create and maintain a natural arch. This is vital to avoid the appearance of problems such as flat feet. 💪

Improves stability
Direct contact with the ground helps children develop better proprioception of their body in relation to space , which in turn improves their ability to remain stable in various situations 🤩. This is especially useful on uneven surfaces, where the foot must adapt quickly to maintain balance.
Brain development
Yes, walking barefoot benefits the brain too! 🤯 This exercise stimulates a wide range of sensory receptors in the feet, which in turn contributes to brain development . Each new texture and temperature that little feet are exposed to sends signals that help build more complex and diversified neural connections, which is crucial for cognitive development.
Stimulates the nervous system
The wide variety of stimuli received when walking barefoot promotes a much richer and more varied response from the nervous system. This not only improves the general reactivity of children, but also enhances their sensitivity and general sensory perception , aspects that are essential for comprehensive development in childhood. 👍
Balance and coordination
Encouraging children to walk barefoot helps to refine their balance and coordination, especially at the beginning of their gait and when they are still unsteady, as it forces them to use their own body and reflexes more intensively to navigate the world without the support of shoes. In turn, this influences their self-confidence 💪, as it teaches them to trust in their physical abilities and to continuously improve them.
Strengthens joints and improves posture
Without being confined in shoes, little ones' feet and legs develop naturally, which contributes to a more aligned body and a healthier overall posture 😍. Thus, the feet become the solid and necessary base to properly support the weight of the rest of the body.

Improves blood circulation
The very fact of not wearing shoes or socks that constrict the foot already helps the blood flow better, but, in addition, the act of walking barefoot increases blood circulation in both the feet and legs, since the action of the little feet 👣 against the ground acts as a natural massage that promotes better blood flow.
Connection with the natural world
Being in direct contact with the earth and the different textures they walk on (parquet and tiles at home, grass in the garden, even sand, dirt and asphalt) gives children a deeper connection with the environment 🌍, which can foster a relationship of respect and care towards nature from an early age. In this way, we contribute to creating a new generation of environmental defenders.
Development of intelligence
Some studies have shown that walking barefoot contributes to developing greater intelligence in the most important years of growth, when children are still very young... And this is because active exploration and interaction with different surfaces barefoot enhances the development of kinesthetic and spatial intelligence 🏞️, allowing children to better understand their environment and how to interact with it effectively.
Creativity and imagination
The freedom of movement that comes with barefoot walking inspires children to do something fundamental at their age: invent new games and explore the world in new and creative ways . The direct sensation of the ground and the touch of the different materials they may come into contact with, as well as the different sensations (cold, hot, smooth, rough...) helps generate innovative ideas 🤩 and stimulate the imagination in ways that shoes do not offer.
Motivation to learn
All of the above can be summed up in one expression, which perfectly sums up why it is important to let little ones have the freedom to walk barefoot and experiment for themselves: the more (and more varied) stimuli they receive, the greater their natural curiosity, their motivation to explore and their desire to learn about their environment in a more active way 🤩. Each step can be a lesson in itself, full of discoveries and learning.

What myths about walking barefoot need to be dispelled?
We've all heard it as children: Put on your slippers, you're going to catch a cold! Fortunately, today we know that this is not the case, colds do not enter through the feet and, therefore, we can leave children barefoot with the assurance that this will not make them sick. Is it too cold to go barefoot? 👣 Try putting socks on your little one, which will prevent their little feet from getting cold without depriving them of all information from their surroundings. But this is not the only myth that we must dispel regarding bare feet:
- Walking barefoot does NOT cause damage or deformities in the feet ❌. On the contrary, natural walking is done without shoes, so leaving children barefoot helps them to establish the correct gait, maintain a better posture and, ultimately, to walk in a more natural and healthy way.
- Walking barefoot is NOT dangerous for your health ❌. We have already talked about colds, but letting your feet touch the ground does not contribute to catching other infections or diseases, unless it is in unhealthy spaces, where you would never leave your baby.
- Walking barefoot is NOT only safe indoors ❌. Of course, you need to take certain precautions, such as avoiding surfaces with sharp objects or too rough, but if you have a garden or patio, don't be afraid to let your baby walk around barefoot and enjoy all its benefits.
- Barefoot walking is NOT just for little kids ❌. All kids tend to take off their shoes at the first opportunity and usually love being barefoot for as long as they can, but we lose that habit over time. However, we shouldn't: walking barefoot has just as many benefits for adults as it does for little ones.
Should I put shoes on my baby?
As shoe manufacturers, we should say yes, but you already know that our philosophy is different: we think about the well-being of the little ones 🥰, in promoting their correct development and, for that, it is best to delay the use of footwear until it is really necessary: when children begin to take their first steps. If you want to read more about this topic, we have a complete post talking about when to put shoes on a baby.
At Zapato Feroz, we believe that understanding and practicing barefoot walking from a young age is a gift that children will carry with them for a lifetime ❤️ . Go ahead and try it and explore together with the world at your feet!